Detached Attachment

Hey all, I hope you all are doing good. In the blink of an eye, we are in the 5th month of the year, almost nearing the half year. May has been the most productive month with lots of activities and enjoyment. 

As I think about my days in the same month last year, they were not the same. Changes in life can be scary and overwhelming but it is inevitable and acceptance is the only key to dealing with it. I am learning it the hard way myself. 
We humans are known to get attached to people, things and places. After all, who are we? Humans ...just like anyone else. When Lord Sri Krishna talked about 'Attachment' in Bhagavadgeethe, it has got to be one of the serious issues to be addressed. 

It takes some time to adjust to the new environment and likewise to leave that environment and adjust to a new one. This I have observed keenly as I finished college and joined work. I vividly remember how one day after the last few days of the final semester of college days, I came home and cried buckets thinking that everything was over and my best of best friends were moving away from me to a new college and I wouldn't be able to meet or talk to them and nothing will be same like before. I had my psychology-studying best friend consoling me and counseling me to remind me of my strengths and capabilities. If you are reading this, you know who you are..Thank you! That day was not that pleasant and you made it bearable. Find someone like that in your life too with whom you can share your fears and get over them to move on because moving water is always preferred over a stagnant one. 
 I agree, that being detached is difficult, but we can constantly try it, can't we? It is because attachment brings sorrow in the end. We love a person a lot and when they leave us without a notice, it hurts, especially when they journey towards heaven. It takes forever to come out of the grief. Those sorts of attachment are different while being attached to a particular routine thing is different.

To all the final year students who are reading this, to all my juniors, this is a friendly reminder that it feels overwhelming seeing your best friends dispersing away by joining other colleges for higher studies or work. But don't let that get deep-seated in your mind. Get over it and move on. The life after may not be the same, but still it won't get toppled up and completely change. You can still be friends with them, chat with them, talk over the phone, meet occasionally and celebrate your and their success.

Accepting the change and understanding the situation helps to calm down. Talking to someone about it helps too. Why did I write what I wrote here? because it really is a daunting issue that needs to be consciously addressed by ourselves. Too much of anything is harmful, and so is getting attached mindlessly. Writing about your feelings and thoughts helps you with self-retrospection. Journalling or keeping a diary is the best gift you can give yourself. 

Try your best to stay detached from the situation, people and things because remember, no one is constant or permanent. We all have to leave one day with whatever we have and leave whatever we have earned. This can be a bitter reminder to stay on track and MOVE ON as fast as you can. 

The next time you feel overwhelmed about changes or have attachment issues, remember to read this blog and calm yourself down. This is a self-reminder to me too!

If you found this helpful and think that more people have to check this out, do share it with your friends and family and ask them to read it. That will be of great help to me. 

I will be back with another blog and until then, take care of yourself. Remember to be 'Detached from Attachment' and MOVE ON cause that is life!

Until next time, 



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