Self Love: A way to nurture your soul!

Hey all, hope you all are doing fine. April was the busiest month and I never realised how quickly it passed. My mind always reminded me about my monthly blog challenge but I am here to execute it only on the last day of the month. Lol:)
The whole month I would be thinking about what to write and I would have a bunch of amazing ideas on which I could write a blog. I wanted to write about my recent trip to my native and the variety of things I learned there, be it a temple history or about life in general. I wanted to cover that but I didn't feel like it. Let me know in the comments if you would be interested to know about that...I may think it over to write about that in the May month's blog.

Do you also agree that there is a significant difference between being lonely and being alone?
I feel being lonely is not your choice but being alone is a choice you made. As we grow old we have people around us, our favourite people, our best friends, yet sometimes we feel lonely amidst them. That is completely fine. After all, it is you who can understand yourself more than anyone else. (Parents can be exceptions in some cases where they exactly know what is best for us and can understand us. Everyone might not be that I told a few might be lucky enough to have such parents)
Trust me when I say, you can be the best company for yourself. Being with friends, and going out with your gang is all fun but being alone and spending quality time with yourself is also equally fun. You may spend an entire eternity waiting for that one person to go somewhere or do something. Life is too short to make elaborate plans and wait profusely for everything to fall into place. It won't happen unless you make it happen. Instant plans are the only thing that can work out in this era that we are living in. All are busy in their own lives and have millions of commitments. If you want to go to that bookstore and buy a book that you always wanted, don't wait for anyone. Go, buy, read and enjoy. There can be many instances like this in which you can be brave enough and considerate enough to make plans for yourself and execute them without that friend or group of friends. Just don't wait for anyone to make your dreams come true. Don't let that disappoint you or shatter your hopes. 
As I talk about standing up for yourself, there are a multitude of ways by which you can love yourself. It can be physical, mental, emotional, or financial aspects. 
Having good health and a sane mind is the best gift ever that you can give yourself. These two again have an effect on your emotional well-being. Over the past 4 months of this year, I have realised that 'Being Healthy' is a privilege. Doing yoga every day has really made me feel good. I am not consistent enough but surely keeping up to be on track. The body movements, meditation, and pranayama exercises have helped me to have a calm mind and toned body. 
The sense of calmness it can give is unexplainable. Yoga teaches you to be in the 'present' and pulls you back from wandering thoughts. 
My yoga teacher always tells us this "Find your Balance" while we are doing balancing asanas like Vrikshasana, Garudasana, Natarajasana, Shirsasana, etc. I find it so helpful. I keep saying that phrase to myself while dealing with real-life situations. Finding balance in life is so important and yoga is preparing me for it.
The pranayama exercises and the meditations provide me with a thoughtlessness zone in my brain. That complete sense of chitter-chatter-free time from the head that I get through these practices feels wonderful. I have a lot to say about Yoga and its benefits but let me keep it for another day. 
Apart from Yoga, there are a lot of ways by which you can take care of your mental and physical health that give you strength to deal with emotional turbulences in life. Loving yourself, respecting your body, and letting go of things can take you a long way. If you are sad, cry it out and move on. If someone hurt you or shattered your hopes, get angry with them but forgive them and move on because it's situations that create problems always. Each minute is too precious to be wasted on something unimportant and irrelevant. 
When I was in 10th standard I remember my favourite teacher telling me is not bad after all to be selfish, because if you come out of darkness and help yourself, that is when you can help others. Now I understand that she was referring to self-love.  

Among all the blog ideas, this is what I wanted to share with you all this month, perhaps, the one that was on the top of my mind. If you resonate with this, try to adopt it as you lead your life and share it with your friends and family.

I will be back with another blog and until then, take care of yourself. Remember to love yourself and nurture your soul!

P.S. Thanks to my 2 friends who gave me content for this month's blog :)

Until next time, 


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