I wonder...


Hey all, I hope you all are doing well and are happy!

Do you ever wonder about a few things? Like "What happened to me?", "What have I become?" and so on. Mind is the only place where thoughts come gushing in faster than the waves of the sea that hit the shore. It especially gets activated when you keep the distractions away. We never listen to it process it or analyse it. I don't know about others but I will always keep it occupied with some TV series or song in the background. But the only time I won't do that is while riding my vehicle, doing yoga and while being in the restroom (cause 'No phones' allowed in the restroom) and that's when these 'I wonder' thoughts bloom and take shape and one fine day when I was riding my way to office did the inception of this blog happened. It also happened to be the day I achieved 'Shirsasana'. A dream come true moment happened that day.
Have you ever given up on something? or just that thought passed in your mind? I am sure your brain's immediate reaction or response would be 'No, Do not give up!' I think it's just the universe's way of keeping us alive and a sort of survival instinct. As we all know, the survival and evolution of the species on this earth are always based on this one fact, 'Survival of the fittest'.  

When we were young and were trying to walk on our feet, we fell hundreds of times and even on the umpteenth time, we never gave up and that is how we are now able to stand on our feet and run. We showed 'Determination'. As kids, we were always enthusiastic and excited to do things that were not meant to be done. We were all daredevils, haha! I still remember taking away my cycle on my own to a main road and going nearly half a kilometer just because I was told it was risky for a young kid to be in dangerous traffic, but I still chose to do it just for that thrill and blood rush. It was dumbness but yet was 'braveness'. I was so stubborn that I needed what I needed and I would make sure 'I get it' no matter what. My mother used to tell me that I cried my way to get myself a new cradle when I was just a 2-month-old baby. I vividly remember how I made my appa to get me a swing by being stubborn. Being stubborn and not giving up, made me get what I wanted. I used to learn the things I don't get so vigorously that I made it a point to understand and excel at them, and I believe that all these small acts of life are nothing but 'survival instincts'. 

We do change as we grow up but 'I wonder' where we have left all those survival instincts from our childhood. If only we remember our best times and use the learnings from then in the present, we can do wonders. I believe, after a certain age we lose interest in life and think that we have achieved everything and life is boring and monotonous, but surely it isn't the truth. We just have to evoke our inner self to reminiscence the younger 'us' who were carefree, brave, happy and competitive and to be the same now because nothing has changed except the timeline.

I tried and tried until I got 'Shirsasana' right and the only motive behind it was that it was my childhood dream to achieve that aasana one day. So, one more important factor about using survival instincts is the driving force and it is our path towards achieving the dreams and wishes that we have set for ourselves.  You may have to choose 'The Road Not Taken' because who knows, you can shine and thrive on that unknown road full of plenty of opportunities. {"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference" (A phrase from my favourite poem 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost)} 

I am sure you also have some superpower of yours from your childhood that you have now ceased to use. Just think what it is and try to evoke it consciously because you have one life to do everything!
Leaving you all here, at this thought for this month. 

If you feel it is worth reading, consider it sharing with your family and friends.

P.S. Keeping up to my promise of publishing one blog a month makes me so happy and this is a special blog as it is published on the 29th of February 2024, on a leap year.

Until next time, take care!



  1. You are an inspiring person Shambhavi. Every small details that you look into in your life leads you towards being that person you have always wanted to be. The self admiration starts there. You looked at your abilities. Though it was a task not so easy your ut told you that you can do it and there you go. You are upside down!!! You are inspiring I said because I needed to listen to someone getting back on their feet, strong and bold, doing what they love and looking back at life with gratitude. I needed this desperately because I've been wanting extrinsic motivation, someone to honestly look inside of me and say to me that I'm tough and that I can do wonders. This blog has certainly given me an insight that I'm that person who has that key to look into myself and look at my potential and be contended with it!
    Sending love and gratitude!!!

    1. That's very sweet of you keeru! Thanks for these amazing words.They truly mean lot to me and I am so happy that this blog gave you the insights that you needed. Love and gratitude to you too✨

  2. Beautifully written Shambhavi . We definitely need to remind ourselves our childhood qualities. I don't think there is much better motivation than our childhood.
    Sharing this with many to remind to bring back the child within oneself.


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