Happiness is a Choice

Hey all and welcome to my eighth blog. It's been a very long time that I have been here and also I had always wanted to write about 'Happiness' and glad that I could do it now. This one is going to be a visual treat to read as there are amazing pictures included which encompasses nothing but to smile wide and 'be happy'.

When you meet someone after ages, they may ask you how you are, about family, current situation, etc. Nobody really asks you if you are happy. Many of us will be hoping we get a better day that can make us happy, but it is not how the universe works. I always believe Happiness is a choice but not a chance. If you observe, for instance, this elderly lady in the picture, whose motto for life may be to sell the fruits to earn a living finds her happiness through her customers. Every day her fruits may not get sold, but she comes to the exact spot to sell each day with the same happiness, and enthusiasm hoping that she may get noticed by someone, and that is called 'Faith' and she finds happiness in that.

Just as you read this, ask yourself a question, 'are you happy with what you are doing? If you aren't, then think, where you are going wrong in enjoying what you do and find the answer, before you complete reading this blog.

There are so many reasons to celebrate and in the same way, we have every other reason to lament, and to choose between the two is left to us and that is where one gets happiness to relish. A group of fishermen enjoy the company of their fellow friends, blue ocean, salty sea, beautiful boat, and the sky above. Every being on this earth has many hardships, work, commitments, painful memories, but that doesn't and shouldn't stop us from being happy. As they say, the journey to reach a destination is more exciting than the destination itself. It is the memories that we make in our journey that make us smile and gives us immense joy and happiness. In the same way, being happy every day is an amazing journey of life you can give yourself. When you look back, you can only find a happy face of yours. Always remember to smile whatever the situation is as it really helps to achieve 'what you want'.

As you read this, just try to go to flashback and think of a happy memory of your life and I am sure, it has brought a smile on your face.

Children are pure souls. In India, children are even compared to gods and that is because they bring happiness to everyone around them.

It is that phase of everyone's life where we laugh unconditionally without the fear of being judged by society. But as we grow up innocence diminishes, our opinions starts to matter and we become cautious with all the things we do. Comparision, the pressure to excel in this highly competitive world, insecurities, expectations that fail, stress, societal judgments, self-pressure to achieve big, all take a role in making us unhappy. 

In this vicious circle of our life, we constantly try to go about in search of happiness thinking that we may find it by chance. But the real happiness lies wherever we are and whatever we have and it grows when we start appreciating simple things in life. As per I have understood, being grateful and practicing gratitude, brings abundant happiness to life. If you are feeling insecure about something, then remember this line, "YOU are unique, and 'you being you' is a superpower of yours". There are so many in this world who can dance, sing, draw, study, and can do everything that you do. No one can do it how 'you' do and that makes you to be outstanding among the rest. The next time you self-doubt yourself and your abilities to do something or compare yourself with others, try to remember this, as this is a matter of fact that I have discovered very recently.

I agree that all day can't be the same. There are some low days, but don't let that take away your happiness. If you are unable to start with something and wondering how it could be done, don't think too much because the best way to do something is just to start doing it. 'Get Started' and find happiness in each and everything you do and make happiness a choice. 

Hence, I leave you here with this thought and I am sure, these photos made you smile instantly.

Do you also feel happiness is a choice? Do let me know in the comments and also share your views and thoughts.

 This blog is a special one as it's my first collaboration with my very talented photographer friend, Pannagasri who runs a page on Instagram called @aloka.lekhyam She is a nature photographer and an enthusiastic nature geek who has provided me with the best clicks of hers that I have used in my blog. If you are on Instagram, follow and support her page as she clicks insane photographs that tell beautiful tales.

If you have liked my blog, feel free to share it with your friends and family and also check out my other blogs too, if you haven't already.

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Thank you for reading it till here taking out your precious time.

Stay home and stay safe happily.

Until next time, take care.



  1. Yes.... Happiness is a choice
    Beautifully written blogger
    Nice photographs by zoology geek 👍🏻

  2. Hello Shambhavi
    Excellent write up
    Were we don't think about the little things in our life that we are missing, only we talk and think about the future and forget the present. Through your write up it wake up me to enjoy the happiness.
    Thank you.
    Pic are amazing, it's speechless.

    1. Thanks a lot ma'am:) I am glad that you enjoyed reading the blog and admired the pics. Your appreciation means a lot.

  3. Beautifully written and this is a great topic too ☺️

  4. Woahhh! It's amazing!!❤️ Indeed happiness is a choice 😌 you can choose what you want to be! Beautifully written! And the pictures, obviously and undoubtedly, they are fantastic ❤️

    1. Yes, the pics are great as they added the flavour in my writing. Thank you so much Arundhati:)

  5. Beautifully described. So pleasant to read. Keep going:)

  6. Beautiful blog Shambhavi!!! The collaboration has worked out well. Pictures are excellent. Keep shining 😊✨


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