
Hey all and welcome to my seventh blog. I hope everyone are staying safe in these hard times where the whole country is struggling due to covid 19 pandemic.

Dictionary defines 'Reminiscence' as a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator and that is exactly what I will be doing in this blog.

Summers are associated with extreme temperature, juicy fruits like watermelon, king of fruits-mango, jackfruit and many more enjoyments. It also includes the vacation that we all love the most. I always loved summers as it would  offer me vacation due to which I would get to go to my native and that would be the only time in the year where I could travel and see my grandparents and my native which is a synonym for heaven.

As soon as the exams would get over in the march, my mind would have already reached my native. April and May were the most beautiful months since I would get to see my grandparents whom I love so much.

My grandparents house lies in north canara in karnataka, which is a coastal area known to have many beaches and has nature in its pristine form. There the summers are very hot and the humidity is also very high.You perspire  so much that always the body feels sticky due to humidity. Contrary to that,the rainy seasons are very destructive there that sometimes children are given holiday due to heavy rainfall that creates a situation like a mini flood. Summers are not that harmful except heat and humidity.The skin feels very rejuvenated as soon as you land there and I can say it is the magic that humidity creates.The early mornings are cool and breezy while the afternoons are very hot due to scorching sun overhead but the nights become cool again.

My voyage would start by packing my bags as soon as I was informed that we were going to our native.Being an emotional kid, grandparents house was something very special to me.So,I would pack anything and everything I would find just to show that to my grandparents because there was no good network availability then and even now for that matter.So, video call was and is a dream but the normal calls were also very rare and I wanted to show them everything that I did in the school.Anyways, I would always get scoldings from the one who carried my luggage and it was a ritual.

The bus journey was another joy. It would be an overnight journey and always there was a fight between me and my brother to conquer the window seat. There was only two times when I could get to eat fancy bakery foods,one was when I would go to school picnic and the other time was during my trip to native, just to enjoy the bus trip.Otherwise,on a daily basis I wouldn't get to eat so much of junk foods. So, I would take advantage of that and exploit it to the fullest.Somewhere in the middle of the night I and my brother would wake up due to excitement and would speculate some creepy creatures in the dark as the snakes by looking outside the window and this was something which I loved the most about travelling in the night.

Bus would reach the destination in the early morning and since there was a scarcity of transportation we would wait for a mini tempo or a private bus to reach our grandparent's house which was in the interior of the town.The bus stands were filled with the smell of fish since fishing was a major occupation there, it being a coastal area.Somehow we would reach home and we would be greeted by ajji with a huge smile on her face waiting to serve us breakfast(most of the times it would be either dose or avalakki).

This is the best memory  that I remember now ,which I would like to reminiscence forever in my life.

The picture in the left was taken by me 2 years back through my window seat when I was in the bus travelling to reach my native which was just a few minutes away from this scenery.

The place is so beautiful with lush green arecanut field, cashew field, mango and jackfruit trees which can be found everywhere and the feel you get there is just aesthetic.The earthy smell,feeling of being with your loved ones are all just unexplainable in words.There is no good network availability even now, hence no TV and Internet.So we can just roam about in the nature and enjoy the day to the fullest.You feel that to be an entire new world were you get disconnected from the busy city life.

But now it is been 2/3 years since I have been there and I feel I had the best childhood. These days, the kids are missing all these enjoyments due to pandemic. Also, the love that the grandparents have towards their grandchildren is so pure. I became nostalgic while typing this and I hope even you remembered your trips that you undertook in your childhood.Let me know what you felt after reading this blog in the comment section below.

Life was so simple and happy then right?Think it over.

Hence,I leave you here with this thought.I will come up with a new blog every month.Please do check out my other blogs if you haven't already.

If you have liked this blog,feel free to share it with you friends and family and start a discussion of how beautiful travelling to grandparents house was then and yes, don't forget to follow and subscribe to my blog page so that you won't miss the updates when I publish a new blog.

Thank you for reading it till here taking out your precious time.

Stay home and stay safe with your family.

Until next time,take care.



  1. Super 😘😘😘 we r missing those days

  2. Hey!
    This is such an amazing feeling that you've just shared here.. I too became nostalgic while reading this .. it's been nearly 2 years since we've taken a family trip.. YESS , I agree with you life was so simple and happy back then😭.
    Wonderful blog!!

    1. Yes,that's sad that we can't go anywhere now..but..thank you for reading:)

  3. Speak of things being simpler then! Reading this made me want to go to your native so bad ,like imagine all the weird creatures I could photograph there and I would just love to walk around in all that nature and pluck cashews, dry them in the sun, then roast them in the fire! Oh my God it would be amazing! It also made me remember Mangalore ,The beaches, the ocean! I miss the ocean so much!

    1. Oh yes,you can find scenic beauty there and you can click many good pictures and as far as cashews are concerned..the process is not that easy though😅 to just pick,roast and eat..but yeah you can enjoy so much.
      Thank you for reading the blog:)

  4. Can't relate more . 😖❤

  5. This blog gave me a mental tour to your native and reminded me of my bus journeys to my native...

    so true that kids these days are missing out on so many things.. let's pray and hope everything gets back to normal very soon..!

    1. I am glad that you could relate and enjoy it. Thank you so much:)

  6. That's very true! Usually we visit Dharmasthala . I could remember my school trip - visited Many temples of coastal area, played well in the beaches with my friends, Awww just remembered everything 🥺❤️. And that was the last trip for 3 days❤️.

    1. Oh!that's nice to hear and yes,we all are missing travelling so much.
      Thank you for reading my blog:)

  7. Oh God! This 2 min of reading the blog took me anywhere and everywhere. Like I literally had a virtual tour to your native and as well got reminded of my native. I have no words to describe how childhood days were and especially days spent with grandparents is just a Bliss😌. I'm eagerly waiting to, to have a pause from this city life and just explore the world behind:(. Hope we make it soon:).

    1. Oh!Thanks a lot,this is the best appreciation I could ever get.If you could feel my writing,that's the only thing a writer can be happy about..and yes hope we can travel again:(..but thank you for reading:)


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